Source code for xon_db

import os
import re
import urllib.parse
import time
import logging
from collections import UserDict
from fnmatch import fnmatch

from xon_db.crc import crc_block

KEYPAIR_RE = re.compile(r'\\([^\\"]+)\\([^\\"]+)')

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class XonoticDBException(Exception): """ Something went wrong with Xonotic DB """ pass
[docs]class XonoticDB(UserDict): """ A class for reading and writing xonotic databases. Provides dict-like interface """ def __init__(self, data: str, db_buckets=DB_BUCKETS, hashfunc=crc_block): """ :param data: database contents :param db_buckets: number of buckets (for writing) :param hashfunc: default hashfunc. Change with care """ self.db_buckets = db_buckets self.hashfunc = hashfunc super().__init__() for i in data.splitlines()[1:]: self.parse_line(i)
[docs] def parse_line(self, line: str): """ Parse a line from database :param line: line to parse """ for i in KEYPAIR_RE.finditer(line): key = value = urllib.parse.unquote( self[key] = value
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, file): """ Load a database from an open file :param file: file :return: XonoticDB instance """ return cls(
[docs] @classmethod def load_path(cls, file_path): """ Load a database from the specified file path :param file_path: file path :return: XonoticDB instance """ with open(file_path, 'r') as f: return cls.load(f)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_backup_file_name(file_path): """ Get a file name for backup file :param file_path: file path :return: backup file name """ return file_path + '.%s.bak' % time.time()
[docs] def save(self, file_path): """ Write database to a file. If a file with the specified name exists it's backed up :param file_path: file path """ if os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(self.get_backup_file_name(file_path), 'w') as d: with open(file_path, 'r') as o: d.write( elif os.path.exists(file_path): raise XonoticDBException('%s exists and is not a file. Cannot write to it.', file_path) lines = [''] * self.db_buckets for key, value in self.items(): lines[self.hashfunc(key) % self.db_buckets] += r'\%s\%s' % (key, urllib.parse.quote(value)) with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write('%d\n' % self.db_buckets) for i in lines: f.write(i + '\n')
[docs] def filter(self, key_pattern='*', is_regex=False): """ Filter database key by pattern :param key_pattern: pattern (either glob or regex) :param is_regex: should be True if the pattern is regex :return: iterator of (key, value) pairs """ if is_regex: if isinstance(key_pattern, str): regex = re.compile(key_pattern) else: regex = key_pattern else: regex = None for k, v in self.items(): if regex and regex.match(k) or (not regex) and fnmatch(k, key_pattern): yield k, v
[docs] def remove_cts_record(self, map, position): """ Remove a CTS record :param map: :param position: :return: """ def _key1(pos): return '%s/cts100record/crypto_idfp%s' % (map, pos) def _key2(pos): return '%s/cts100record/time%s' % (map, pos) for i in range(position, 100): if _key1(i) in self: del self[_key1(i)] if _key2(i) in self: del self[_key2(i)] if _key1(i+1) in self: self[_key1(i)] = self[_key1(i+1)] if _key2(i+1) in self: self[_key2(i)] = self[_key2(i+1)]
[docs] def remove_all_cts_records_by(self, crypto_idfp): """ Remove all CTS records from the specified player :param crypto_idfp: :return: """ regex = re.compile('(.+)/cts100record/crypto_idfp(\d+)') to_remove = [] for k, v in self.filter(regex, is_regex=True): if v == crypto_idfp: match = regex.match(k) to_remove.append((, int( for i in to_remove: self.remove_cts_record(*i)